Jena slips quietly through silent corridors, alone but for corpses. At first there are bodies on both sides, sometimes delineating loose lines of battle but usually strewn carelessly amongst one another; as she goes on, she finds more and more dead Chiss, likely fallen to the toxin. Ever the pragmatic, she halts briefly at one site to strip the bodies, collecting a spare Chiss sidearm for herself and taking any alien weapons that look safe to pick up (not useful to her, but possibly valuable if she can get them back home for analysis). Much to her regret, the one-piece jumpsuit she's wearing doesn't have many pockets... but she's lucky her sleeping clothes have any pockets at all, really.

She pauses every so often at the end of a corridor, waiting until she sees the ambassador's party turn the corner and letting them glimpse her before continuing. Wouldn't do to get too far ahead...

Continuing on to the hangar for now. Feel free to make Stealth/Perception checks for me if necessary.