
"You're not from around here are you. Oracle handles intelligence for almost every superhero on the planet. Rorasach, that explains the shifting mask. You're going to need to repair it or get a new one though. Looks like the Joker tore it. Never let them hurt your motif, it scares them, give you an edge over the superstisious cowardly criminal element" Batman takes this all into consideration. To truly have not heard of Oracle he either had to be very new or somehow completely out of touch with the rest of the masked vigilante world.

Batman looks out the window as they pull up to the Hospital. He sees the Joker's stolen car and quickly reopens the com channel to Oracle. "The Joker is here where are the Cullens being treated."

"Special Treatments. Floor 5. Room 525. Third window on the right from your position."

"Good." Batman turns to Rorasach "Do you have means of rapeling up a building?"



In the rush of intake from the explosion he had just caused downtown it would quickly become apparent that new intakes are being skipped past the ER and moving straight to the separate sections for their injuries. Which means the Cullens as metahumans would likely end up in the special treatment ward.