Turn 3

The journey ends, G19, F18, F16, E17

The Erren residing on the plains (G19, F18) finally meet their end destination, the forests (F16, E17). They have moved along the plains, looking for a suitable location out of the red hills and in better area's. Now that they have found the forests, they are happy to stay, unlike when they resided in the plains.
It has been a long journey, one only finished in the last years. With the forests, the Erren are reasonable comfortable and feel much better than they did compared to live in the plains. With no ability to travel further either, for there is only sea and oceans beyond, the remainder of the travellers has settled in the forest area at long last.

Adaptation to circumstances

With most of the travelling being finished up by the Erren in the plains, they no longer see an increase in speed. Instead, the various Erren groups have started to adapt to their new environment, learning about it, but mostly seeing their bodies adapt to it. Those in the forests adapt to the nuts and the like sometimes raining down from the trees, where as those in the mountain adapt to the sharp rocks and stones lingering about. They have become tougher and more resilient to whatever the environment throws at them, be it temperatures, predators or bad food.

10 EP invested in Toughess: 10 -> 15

All Erren in G19 & F18 move to F16 & E17.