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Thread: 3.5 Basic Training IC

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Lubirio's Avatar

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    Jun 2009
    The Netherlands (GMT+1)

    Default Re: 3.5 Basic Training IC


    Gruk wasn't much for music, he'd rather have people alongside him, fighting with him. After the curassiers leave, Gruk looks somewhat amused by the fact that his sword wasn't taken, it is too big to fit inside the chest, so he'd stowed it under his bed, and sitting back down on his bed with loud complaining creaking accompanied with a somewhat softer clang made him aware of his sword still being there. "You don't mind if I rework the bed? I don't fit on it." Not waiting for an answer, Gruk proceeds to break the ends off so that his legs could dangle over the edge freely. He then moves the bed more into the isle and put the parts he broke off on the end to put his pillow on, which will function as a makeshift extension of the bed. Testing it out when he's done, Gruk's feet still dangled a little ways over the edge, but he's used to that, so he lets out a low groan of satisfaction. "This is alright, I sleep well tonight."

    I think I'll need Str checks to break those things? Well here you go:

    Strength - (1d20+5)[13]
    Strength - (1d20+5)[23]

    I'm hoping the break DC is 13 or less, otherwise I'll take 20.
    Last edited by Lubirio; 2010-01-09 at 06:49 AM.