The varadesh. Turn 3.0-

Khut and Ark talked alone for many hours before the old man felt his body demand sleep. Later, in the early morning hours before first light, one of the women that had been treating Khut ran through the camp, asking all those related to the chieftain to come to the tent.

As they all gathered in the tent around the old man, they each took turn in saying their farewells to the dying man. Slowly, one after another, with tears in their eyes. As dawns first light came, Khut drifted slowly into the sleep eternal. Taking his last breath with a smile on his lips.

After he had closed his eyes for the last time, his family wrapped his body in furs and cloth. Covering it completely. Like the varadesh had always done, his body would then be left on a hill, overlooking the river. The whole tribe would be there and everyone who wished to do so would be allowed to speak and praise the recently departed one.

Ep spending for turn 3:

Brain - 2 ep
size - 1 ep
Strength - 1 ep
Toughness - 1 ep

Bows - +2 ep
Fire - +1 ep
Wells - +1 ep
Farming - +1 ep