Master Quarrel ignores Vance and steps further into the room, addressing everyone.

Master Quarrel
"I see you've all had a small taste of the Army. Waiting for days without information, your personal things replaced with the king's uniforms. That's all well and good, but there's no need for us to go marching around 'eyes front' like a troop of pikemen. If the recruiters did their job right, your talents would be wasted on conventional warfare. So unless it becomes necessary, I'm not going to waste my time on conventional military rules and regulations. If you do exactly as I tell you and use good common sense, I don't care what else you do. Do we have an understanding?"

Quarrel is not a large man - about 5'9", 155 lbs - but he is an imposing figure nonetheless. In contrast to the parade-ground postures of the curassiers, he stands with his arms relaxed at his sides and one foot forward, slowly shifting his weight forward and back. He appears completely confident - not seeking confrontation, but neither is he expecting any dissent. His armor is not flashy, but it is impeccably maintained, and on his hip in a scabbard is a simple short sword without a fleck of rust or tarnish on it.