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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Laughing with the sinners

    Default Re: Got a Real-World Weapon or Armor Question? Mk. VI

    Quote Originally Posted by Boci View Post
    Question: Lets assume there is a special division of commandos highly equipped with state of art technology (2010). Part of their weapons is a handgun designed to have a decent chance of killing someone in a Kevlar vest.

    A. Is that possible (I believe you can have armour piercing bullets fired from a handgun)?
    B. What would the recoil on such a weapon be?
    If they're that highly trained, they should just shoot for the head. That's easier than trying to upgun a pistol round.

    Jacketed pistol rounds might go through a vest, but they don't do as much to stop the guy in the vest as expanding rounds. A .22 has a decent chance of penetrating a vest, but it isn't all that lethal a round.
    Last edited by Mike_G; 2010-01-11 at 02:46 PM.
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