List of shippable ficcers:

Dark Apprentice
The Dark Fiddler

Quote Originally Posted by The Dark Fiddler View Post
I'm happy with these. If anybody wants to write me, do these instead, I'm gonna try mexInky.
Good luck and have fun! Hm, Dark Fiddler x Elan sounds kind of cute...

Quote Originally Posted by Dark Apprentice View Post
Shiny: I was insinuating all sorts of hilarity, hijincs, and brain-melters imaginable!

Yes, I am too lazy to specify.
Are you going to attempt to write any of said hilarity, hijinks, and brainmelters?

Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post
Thanks. I'm back now.

The problem is that there's no love in the house. Let me explain this a bit better: We don't feel the love in my house. It's always screaming and arguing and we all go to bed with sick feelings in our stomachs and pain in our chests and just trying not to cry. Even the dog's starting to get stressed out. I can't take it anymore. It's gotten to the point where I just hole up in my room all day and never come downstairs.

So I guess I just like being on a place where everyone's nice (If crazy), and won't start screaming at me (And each other) at the drop of a hat.
For what it's worth, I'll pray for you. Try to hang in there, and never forget we're open 24/7 here at the Crack and Brain Bleach Emporium!

Quote Originally Posted by Lawyergoblin View Post
Two things. If anyone is curious, it's going to be a long time before I get the Celia/Redcloak running again. Also, even though I'm not on the list, DON'T SHIP ME!
I'm afraid doing this will make someone write one with me in it...

I JUST REMEMBERED! Great crack everyone, and I can't wait for a continuation of it all.
I'm still hoping to see more Celia/Redcloak soon (just so you know that we haven't lost interest)!

Ah, Watersmurf, dangling a free psychoanalysis in front of a bunch of introspective intellectuals and then yanking it away, too cruel, too cruel...