Quote Originally Posted by Hacktor View Post
Quin, I tend to agree with you except on these 2 points....

"Take Two also has a slow introduction where it doesn't seem like anything happens and he's just taking another random quest he doesn't care about, but I've seen this as a great way to introduce a memerable character and really develop him"

I took the same approach with my characters... i wanted a memorable way to introduce the rest of the characters in their "natural habitat", then have them do a quest together to see how they interact... It's the same thing

Also you have to remember that the "good" art and the "good" plot have only been happening for 20 or so comics... that's why I got so mad when you said that TakeTwo's 20 or so comics were better...

So Is this the conclusion ?...

if Shards had crappy artwork and lost the first 25 strips it would have gotten a better review?...
Of course not.

First off, it's not quite the same as in Take Two for two reasons. One, you've taken quite a deal longer with it and I have long ceased to care about your characters. You can only hold someone's interest for so long, you see. It comes down to the pace, which I suppose I haven't explained well enough. My attention span is quite a small one. You see, TT's intro of 20 comics was of a faster pace, in my opinion. It had really characterized the one major character andi t didn't even drag out the actual quest before moving on to the real action. It held my attention. And now I want to read more. As opposed to a long quest that I didn't care about and was boring to read. Yeah, it showed how your characters interacted. But surely it didn't need to happen for as long.

Secondly, the great artwork sets us up to greater expectations. Your expectations were high and TT's was low from the start. Both reversed my expectations and were reviewed accordingly. Bad art would'nt have saved your review. A better story developed sooner might have.

I don't really understand your other complaint about "only having a good storty for 20 comics or so". My minimum is ten, and that is how much I feel is enough to grade stories on. 20 good comics are fine, but 20 boring ones aren't. I rate comics on the whole. Everything except for things that aren't in comic form. If you didn't want for me to rate the first 25 comics where almost nothing happens then you should have specified. My opinion was tainted by the boring beginning, and I took that into account in my review.