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    Titan in the Playground
    DracoDei's Avatar

    Join Date
    May 2007
    Near Atlanta,GA USA

    Default (3.5) (ToB) A Vexing Foe (Creature) (PEACH)

    Tittering Brick Squirrel
    Diminutive Magical Beast
    HD 1/4d10-1 (1 hp)
    Speed 40 ft. (8 squares); Climb 40 ft
    Init: +5 (+5 Dex)
    AC 19; touch 19; flat-footed 14
    (+5 Dex, + 4 size)
    BAB +0; Grp -16
    Attack Bite +0 Melee (1d1-4 damage)
    OR Nut +9 Ranged Touch (No damage (refreshes maneuver), No critical)
    OR Brick Drop +9 Ranged Touch (2d6 blugeoning, x2)
    Full-Attack Bite +0 Melee (1d1-4 damage)
    OR Nut +9 Ranged Touch (No damage (refreshes maneuver), No critical)
    OR Brick Drop +9 Ranged Touch (2d6 blugeoning, x2)
    Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
    Special Attacks Brick Drop, Thrown Nut
    Special Qualities Low-Light Vision, NO Dark-vision
    Saves Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +1
    Abilities Str 2, Dex 20, Con 8, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 12
    Skills Balance +11, Climb +11, Jump +13
    Feats Dodge
    Environment Temperate Forest
    Organization Solitary, Pair, Hod (4-8), or Pallet (10-40)
    Challenge Rating 1/2 ((Play-test revealed that the 20' range is a very large limitation since if they start out spread out they have to spend a round closing before they can even throw the "warning shot". maybe CR 1/3 or 1/4))
    Treasure Nuts
    Alignment Neutral Neutral (Neutral Neutral Funky if using the Kellus's third axis of alignment).

    Throw Nut (or peice of tree bark) (Ex): Thrown nuts (or bits of tree bark) have a range increment of 20 feet, and a maximum range of 60 feet. They deal no damage, but for Tittering Brick Squirrels allow them to refresh their maneuver (if they hit). The maneuver becomes expended without effect if not used within 5 minutes.

    Squirrels are very territorial, especially during the mating season, throwing nuts and bits of tree bark at intruders. Tittering Brick Squirrels will follow up with bricks, flower-pots, or thousands of nuts and/or bits of bark falling out of thin air against creatures larger than Diminutive size class (or predators going after them regardless of size) if the bark pieces and their chittering (which sounds like a high-pitched giggle) proves ineffective.

    Maneuver: Tittering Brick Squirrels may use the Brick Drop maneuver, and may refresh it by striking a foe with an acorn or bit of bark or what-not. They may substitute a mechanically identical bombardment of nuts and bits of bark for the brick or flower-pot. The maneuver becomes expended without effect if not used within 5 minutes of being readied.

    Skills: Tittering Brick Squirrels use their dexterity modifier in place of their strength modifier for climb and jump checks. They recieve a +4 racial bonus to balance, climb, and jump.

    Summoning Tittering Brick Squirrels: Chaotic aligned druids and rangers who (at the GMs sole discression) are sufficiently zany, and whose number of levels of maritial initiating classes are high enough to cast the SPECIFIC spell in question if it was their caster level may add Tittering Brick Squirrels to the creature list for Summon Nature's Ally I. This means that if they have a single level of a martial initiating class they can summon 1 with S.N.A. I, if they have at least 3 levels of martial initiating classes they can summon 1d3 with S.N.A. II, and if they have at least 5 levels of martial initiating classes then they can summon 1d4+1 with S.N.A. III or higher. Summoned Tittering Brick Squirrels arrive with their maneuver readied, and it is considered polite to allow them to throw a final nut or bit of bark at a fallen foe's corpse to recover it before dismissing them if time allows.

    Brick Drop
    Falling Anvil (Strike) [Chaos]
    Level: Swordsage 1
    Prerequisite: Non-lawful alignment
    Initiation Action: 1 standard action
    Range: 20 feet
    Target: One creature
    Duration: Instantaneous

    You smile crookedly at a selected creature and a brick or a moderately sized flowerpot complete with moist soil and a blossoming daisy falls towards them (no matter how low the ceiling may be, or even if there is no ceiling). It strikes as a ranged touch attack, and deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage if successful. The brick or flowerpot (including flower and soil) disappears at the end of combat.
    This maneuver is a supernatural ability.
    Last edited by DracoDei; 2023-04-06 at 11:15 AM.
    [Public Service Announcement]P.E.A.C.H stands for Please Examine And Critique Honestly[/Public Service Announcement]
    Currently Running: Equestria Begins (A High Tactics campaign)
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    My Homebrew is meant to be used, but, if you do, PLEASE tell me how it goes.