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Thread: Vegetarian Meals

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Copenhagen, DK

    Default Re: Vegetarian Meals

    As for soups, I learnt this extremely simple cauliflower one from my brother (who's a chef).

    Chop up the cauliflower and simmer it in a bit of good oil. Olive oil or rapeseed oil is what I usually use. Then cover it in vegetable stock (chicken stock works fine too, if you don't mind this non-vegetarian aspect) and add salt and pepper to taste. Boil until the cauliflower is tender, and use an immersion blender to liquify it while it's still hot. Optionally, cream can be added before blending, but it's not really necessary.

    Serve with bread. I'm suprised how good this is every time I make it.

    Edit: Just to chime in on the nutrition aspect: as long as you eat meat once in a while and keep a varied diet you should be fine. It's only straight vegetarians and vegans that need to take special precautions. It doesn't hurt to read a bit, of course
    Last edited by RebelRogue; 2010-02-12 at 08:06 PM.