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Thread: Crayons = Unreliable Narration?

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Ryuuk's Avatar

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    May 2006

    Default Re: Crayons = Unreliable Narration?

    Hmm, maybe not necessarily unreliable narration, but more towards myth. All the Crayon we've seen have involved the gods in flashback to some extent. Then there the order of the scribble and Ochul...

    The Crayon may simply be the Legends (which by nature are unreliable and may differ in detail from the truth) of the OotSverse being told.

    EDIT: Legends or Legends in the making.
    Last edited by Ryuuk; 2010-02-21 at 07:12 PM.
    Will be edited by Ryuuk : Sometime in the future.