Quote Originally Posted by Me. View Post
Chihiro walks into town and decides to go to the local bar. She gets some saki and then begins to play on her ocarina and dance a little to it, Hiita, long since used to this, is sleeping peacefully in her jackets hood.

Meanwhile, Cohaku smiles at Miragata impressed on how his reputation precedes him. He then says "I've heard of you too, don't worry, only good things. Goodbye." he then leaves to find the Kazakage.

He soon tracks down his chakra, and when he notices what's going on, he decides to hide in a tree and observe the Kazakage. He's never seen him fight, but he's really interested to see what it'll be like...

Putting your character into the IC thread without even waiting to address concerns about them is somewhat impolite. Having a few 'establishing shots' is fine, but please don't pin anything important down in canon yet.

Also, your other character still seems to be 'sensing' chakra with no explanation, despite previous warnings. Is there a reason for this, or did you just miss the earlier comments?