[OOC:Just to note, Rugo and Marrissa's spells take place in the following two rounds after this one. Round four is when we start casting, round five is when it hits.]

Marrissa blows a kiss to the crowd and winks. As she starts chanting, she begins mirroring Rugo's movements and carefully spinning her sword. Her cloak exaggerating her flashy movements as light blue energy begins to form around her hands.


With a flourish, a group of ice particles fly from her hands and circle around the flames of Rugo's staff. The tiny crystalline shards reflect the light of the flames outwards like prisms. At the exact same moment Rugo completes his attack, so too does Marrissa send shards of ice towards the net. The explosion and contact with the net shatters the ice, creating a shower of dust-sized ice particles that reflect in the light- as well as distracting from any damage to the net the spells might have caused.