Patrick watches the fight a fair distance off while whispering to Impmon.

"I want you to get some where with a good view and summon as many Ice shards as you can. When I give the signal let them fly. I'll try and get the group out of the way."

Patrick begins walking closer toward the fray. He leaves the collected fragments of his Coat with a rock holding the pile together. He scans the entire area with his digivice as he goes. Keeping a bead on the Renamon while moving stealthily after scanning the entire area for other digimon.

He waits behind a tree while he waits for Impmon to get into position. "This would be a good time to know how to use the digivice. I'm fairly sure it has a short range radar like thing." He think when suddenly he notices Impmon nearing his destination.

Patrick looks back toward the fray, and noticing that the area where his digivice was saying Renamon was just empty air. Patrick deliberated a moment, "Lets hope I'm right about this. I've already made of a fool of myself too many times." before making a leap and Striking anyway. He soared through the air briefly before the Boken made contact with something Invisible, and He hit it hard with the momentum that was carrying him in the Air adding to the force.