Seth & the Elves

The Hound looked round at Ithelus irritably.

"His what? His script?" His face took on a suspicious expression. "This some kind of trick?"
"No, it's called writing! It means stuff!" came a mocking voice from the crowd, accompanied by a snickering ripple of laughter. The militiaman rounded on the sound with an angry glare, but it was impossible to distinguish the culprit from the sea of faces. One of them shuffled forwards - a balding man in a shabby scribe's gown. He spoke in a quiet, respectable voice.
"I can read, officer, if you want to see if the elf's document is genuine."

Sensing he might be losing control of the situation, the Hound's attention snapped back to Ithelus.

"Well, let's see it, then," he said, doing his best to preserve his authoritative air.