Brownies, a Lawful Good CR 1 Fey, are essentially toned down atomies.
Wow. 2e brownies cast spells like 9th level clerics. I wonder who hated brownies?

Traditionally, I believe that brownies worked in the homes of good people, so long as they were left a bit of milk, or something. I'm not sure how you could work that into a game (except perhaps as part of an investigation), but there you go.

So what does the Tome of Horrors present for us in their Bunyip? Why, a CR 4 Magical Beast that is a shark-bear hybrid with a blood-in-the-water-frenzy rage attack and a vorpal bite, of course!
I don't suppose that there's a picture of this somewhere, hmm?

Caryatid Column
While I do like Caryatid Columns (I think I might have even used them once), it suddenly strikes me to wonder if they may be a bit structurally unsound. I mean, presumably that column was holding something up, right?