Paramonos. Numero #24


(Picture not up-to-date)

Paramonos is an arrancar of average height and complexion. His hair is short, spiky, and red. It is tied up with a headband made of bandages. The bottom of his feet are also scarred and calloused, probably from not wearing shoes. His wardrobe consists of a skirt that goes to his knees and a belt of similar bandages at his waist. His forearms and shins are also bandaged. He wears a white scarf and a gold pendant as well. On his chest is the tattooed image of a moon and a comet, and on his back a tattoo of the sun. Interestingly enough, the edge of these tattoos are scarred. He is seen carrying a parasol, the tip of which is bladed. His mask fragment is crescent-shaped, going from the back of his head and wrapping around to almost his eye. His hollow hole is through his right shoulder.


Paramonos is honourable almost to a fault. The words of the espada are law, and he does not strike without provocation, and never against an unarmed or downed foe. In addition, he is also terrible at reading others' emotions, especially when they deal with matters outside his moral code. He has a strong sense of personal improvement and discipline.


As a whole Paramonos is a melee combatant, his bala and cero being nearly useless to him. His sonido is average for his rank, but when traveling he for some reasons prefers to walk. He says it builds character. He would pride himself on his swordsmanship, if he believed in things like pride. His Hierro is nothing to scoff at, although it can be broken by most combatants in shikai. He has never been seen using garganta.

His fighting style consists of focusing on blocking his opponent's attack and quickly going for a counter. His goal is to whittle down his opponent this way. If his opponent tries to attack him from a range he uses sonido to pursue, blocking or avoiding the attack and striking at them.

Zanpaktou: Eclipse

Tenebrosidad takes the form of a shortsword with a red wrap on the hilt. Paramonos keeps it in his closed parasol, which serves as the blade's sheath. When he fights he uses them in unison, either blocking with his sword and stabbing with his parasol or deflecting attacks with the parasol and slashing with the sword.

Ressureccion: (Burn away all that holds you back,) Eclipse!

The parasol glows white and the blade glows golden briefly, and the various bandages he wears burn away. Paramonos himself undergoes little change in his appearance. His forearms are covered in bladed white gauntlets. He gets several crescent-shaped blades on his collar and shoulders. White plates of armour shaped like the sun appear on his elbows and knees. His right gauntlet is much larger, and its width makes it like a shield. His left gauntlet, on the other hand, has a much larger blade; being roughly a foot and a half long. In addition to these changes he can now cover parts of his body in fire; when he does this the scars on his chest and back begin to burn.