You know, I enjoy the comic. The double standards employed by the "good guys" can be almost sickening at times. But I'm starting to feel it's getting a little overbearing.

I can understand groups of people wishing goblins dead, and that they think they should all die. But leading a surrendering hobgoblin over a castle wall while delivering an evil speech? It seems like Rich is trying to make every good guy a goblin murdering psychopath all the time. It isn't just a few overzealous paladins, or corrupt speciesist warlords. Every man and his dog loves to kill goblins as a sport for some reason, and nobody seems even the slightest bit bothered about how they're killing helpless prisoners, even when they wouldn't normally do so to a devil.

At this point, it just seems like everybody hates goblins just because that makes the story grittier.