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    Kumo's Avatar

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    Sep 2009
    On vacation till the 9th

    Default Re: ABR Discussion Thread XXXI - The Gift of Fish

    Quote Originally Posted by The Gremlin View Post
    Actually, it's still not quite clear what about believing in the Sovice gods means that he founded the UNA for evil ends. That's bigoted against alien religions. Lying knows, but he keeps it to himself. I thought that was one of the big reasons the Resistance is discredited.
    they basically say the sovice can take and do whatever the hell they please to advance their race and anything organic is blasphemy to their gods.

    Please correct me if i'm wrong, this is mostly a guess based on what happens in remember.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Gremlin View Post
    How do I explain what the lines are? They're supposed to be motion lines, but I'm not quite sure how to make this clear.
    Maybe sound effects that explain what the motions are, like "*step step*"?
    Last edited by Kumo; 2010-03-22 at 04:19 PM.