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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Give Me That Horizon: Ch. I, The Calm Before the Storm

    Bale shrugs as Alex sets off for the Eastern passage in pursuit of Derrsharr. "That way actually looked just as good," he admits to Edward. "Symmetry and all that." Moving in that same direction, he calls after the gnoll, "Derrsharr, why don't you hold up a minute. Odds will be better with four of us."

    Whether or not the gnoll agrees to that suggestion, Bale turns back to the others. "You two both need light to see, right?" He gives an uncertain look to Alex, apparently not sure how a dragonman's eyes work. "Once we regroup and get organized, any objection if I go a half minute or so ahead? That way if we meet anything else that doesn't like us, the light won't give us away too soon. If I see anything, I'll double back and let you know."
    Last edited by mucat; 2010-03-28 at 05:24 PM.