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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Oct 2008
    Midwest, USA

    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup Thread 2

    Quote Originally Posted by XtheYeti View Post
    So...what would happen if Nick were to punch a Shinigami there? I mean that is his primary form of attack...it is how he is supposed to deal damage to stuff...Would he be the exception?
    He'd punch people in the gut. And they'd react as if punched in the gut.

    I'm saying that no one, no exceptions, should be able to specifically target those points with the express purpose of disabling them.

    You can still punch people in the gut. That's a time-honored method of punching people. You just can't punch them and magically make all their powers go away.

    Especially since, in canon, it seems to need to be someone who is very accurate and precise with a sharp cutting attack (Quincy arrow or sword), rather than something like a punch

    Edit: And by "those two points", I specifically mean the Chain of Fate (Saketsu or chain link) and the Soul Sleep (Hakusui).
    Last edited by KnightDisciple; 2010-04-03 at 10:10 AM.
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