The adrenaline rushed through Tasmine's as she leaped off the building. She didn't expect to get caught up in the moment, but prophetic visions can be... chaotic. It seemed like a good a idea at the moment. Still this chase might make an interesting story - an street-rat underdog against a juggernaut dragon man, an devious witch, a cunning enchanter and an ardent inquisitor.

Part of her almost wants to see the thief get away. It makes the story that more exciting. Still, there are other ways to add drama. Tasmine decided to test the thief's reflexes.

She clenched her wand and chanted: "By the wind of a thousand blades, this scoundrel will not evade..."

Blade Barrier: I create a U-shape wall in front of the thief's path.

Like this:
X t X

If he runs into it:
Blade Barrier - (3d6+2)[7] and 5 on-going damage (save ends).

OOC: There's no attack roll for the power, so I'm not sure how this will be ruled in a skill challenge.