Quote Originally Posted by Deth Muncher View Post
So, I have a story I feel might be appreciated here, at least in a "Aw, that's mildly amusing and/or cute" kind of way.

My grandmother, who recently celebrated her 70th birthday, told me that some years back, she had a very flamboyantly gay friend she used to work with. Time went by, they got older, and he ended up owning a furniture shop. She ends up going into said furniture shop one day, not knowing he owned it, and after he shows up and re-introduces himself to her, they have a great reunion and catch up on old times. Time passes, and it's about time to close up shop. The conversation had recently drifted onto what was currently going on in their lives, and the gay friend says that he's going to take a vacation to Italy. She says, "Oh, well! You just have a gay old time then! It was nice seeing you!" They hug, she walks off.

Right as she gets to the door, she realizes what she said, feels mortified, and turns around to see her friend bust out laughing. She runs back over and apologizes profusely, but he says "I KNOW you didn't mean it like that, that's what makes it so great!"

So yeah. It may not be as funny to everyone here, but I thought it was a quaint story to share.
That is so cute. Sounds like your grandmother is a decent lady.