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    Ettin in the Playground
    Draken's Avatar

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    May 2007
    The Southern Wildlands

    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup Thread 2

    Behold, what you can expect of 12th division under my command.

    The 12th Division

    The 12th Division is the smallest of the Seireitei, with less than one hundred official members. It is also the second division with which most prospecting shinigami have contact, due to the internship program. And lastly, it is the division that makes the most use of artificial souls and gigai, who are their prime labor force.

    12th division has a long story of mad geniuses, shady deals and less than savory experiments, some bordering the unethical, many outright so. Over the last two hundred years of his captaincy, Kazuo has made a through effort to eradicate such stains on the division’s reputation, leading to the mostly upstanding current situation, if with mild longing by some of the older, less stable, officers.

    Captain Ryou Kazuo leads the 12th division, a task he has diligently performed over the last two hundred years, since the death of former captain Kamiya Hanako. Kazuo was the vice-captain of the division under Hanako, and responsible for the implementation of several security measures during experiments, something the division neglected to an outrageous level, vastly endangering themselves and the nearby area. His personal projects usually amount to non-intrusive augmentation, large vehicles and a variety of utilitarian tools. No project by any member of the division is ever disallowed, as long as its undertaking respects the ethics and morals instituted by Kazuo.

    All official members of 12th division are instantly assigned the position of seated officer; the division technically has no unseated members. Because of this fact and the reduced size of the division, wages tend to be higher than in other divisions. Interns work half time and receive half of the normal wages of an unseated member of other divisions. The artificial souls employed by the 12th division receive no wages but have a break on weekends and holydays.

    Division Size: 89 official members.
    Interns: 120, more or less.
    Artificial Souls: 700

    Flower: The flower for the 12th Division of the Gotei 13 is the Thistle. The meaning behind this symbol is Vengeance, Strictness, Independence. Ryou dislikes the first meaning of the symbol, but enforces the strictness aspect in the safety regulations, and the independence aspect represents the importance of independent research for the advancement of Soul Society.

    Motto: "SCIENCE!"


    Planar Scanning: The 12th Division carries the duty of scanning the mortal world and dangai for interdimensional activity, which, allows the Seireitei to monitor the movements of spiritual entities through the planes and gauge their general power to respond accordingly, when necessary.

    Research & Development: The 12th division’s most famous aspect is that of research and development. It is their duty to keep the Seireitei supplied with the best and most cutting-edge gear possible.

    Internship: Starting at third year in the shinigami academy, all students undergo a six-month internship into the 12th division, where they learn about the many common devices the shinigami use in their training and duty and also help the small division with their own duties. Those interns who develop a taste for the workplace are invited to remain for the remainder of their time in the academy, during which they will further learn about the division and some will enter the ranks of the researchers.

    Necessary Skills

    12th division requires its members to boast ingenuity, creativity and innovativeness. Kazuo seeks proclivity, proactivity, diligence and a love of research among its prospective recruits.


    Three things weight in for promotion in the 12th division, respect for safety measures, mastery of a subject and breakthroughs. All true members of the 12th division are 20th seats from the start. No ranks beneath that of 6th seat hold any true authority over those bellow, they merely govern the distribution of funds for projects and overall prestige. Higher seats receive more funds for their personal projects.
    The 6th seat is the last rank which is held by multiple division members; each 6th seated officer is the leader of one of the subsections of the 12th division and directly leads the members stationed within his subsector.

    Previous Captains

    Kazuo shares one aspect with the previous captains of the 12th division. He is a genius, and he shares no other aspects with them, such as absolute disregard for his own safety and that of others, lack morals or ethics, or extremely short captaincies due to accidental death. 12th division has undergone so many changes of captain before Kazuo that the vast majority of his predecessors, like himself, lacked the power of Bankai, a shortcoming mostly solved with heavy weaponry of exclusive use of 12th division experts.

    Kamiya Hanako: Hanako led the division for an astonishingly long time if compared to her predecessors, 50 full years. Her captaincy followed the model that Kazuo worked so diligently to step away from, the same that had been kept in place by all captains before her.
    Hanako died 205 years ago, after slipping on an oil stain and falling off a ledge on top of an experimental reishi disintegration bomb.
    “On the plus side, the obliteration of captain Hanako's soul made it clear that the project was never going to be approved for battlefield use." - Unknown 12th divisioner.
    Last edited by Draken; 2010-04-18 at 09:57 PM.

