DM Post

Berrian gives a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank gods." he murmers. He wishes you luck, then turns and starts heading up the hill, hurrying to catch up to the guard and Lambert.

It's now nighttime, with roughly three-quarters of an hour til the appointed time for Pavick to meet at the docks. As you turn away from the Rex manor, the city is mostly quiet. You can see lights in most windows, and the occational sounds of song and laughter from a tavern or an inn common room. The streets are almost empty, except for a pair of patrolling guards that passes you.

Perception DC17
In spite of the darkness, it appears that one of the guards patroling is the same guard who was so eager to bring you in earlier. He appears to be watching you out of the corner of his eye as the patrol passes

OOC: Any last plans before we head to the docks?