Tucked away in one corner of the Kraken's Tooth drinking area, a serene-faced woman watches the happenings with equal disinterest for all. Her blue eyes stare out from beneath the brim of a wide-brimmed black felt hat, tiny silver bells dangling from the edges. She seems to blink only when she remembers to, sometimes staring for over a minute before wetting her eyes again.

Her garb is simple, yet finely made, in the manner of a traveling lady of some wealth. Few proper ladies would ever wear the tightly-fitted crimson trousers she has on however, an item in stark contrast to the flowing silks in subdued browns and blacks that make up the rest of her attire.

The woman raises a tankard to her lips, but if she did more than wet them with it, it was the tiniest of swallows. Those with exceptional eyes or a keen sense of smell might notice that the tankard is full to the top with seawater.

The tune being played by the musician seems to tug at her memories. She draws a silver-plated flute seemingly out of nothingness, and begins to play along - not particularly well, but softly enough not to disturb the other patrons if she makes an occasional slip in the notes.