Enki, Hope

Enki looked in awe as the woman continued her work, this time creating creatures much like his Nymphs. He wondered whether he could ever paint others into existence like that, or if he was doomed to his water-drops and chance forever.

He looked up to the sky, and saw strange creatures with wings flying about, and another creature like himself, standing inside a great floating wooden structure.
He raised his arm and called out to this being, to know its name and learn of its creations, when one of those creatures, a small one, covered in white feathers, fell to the ground.

He picked it up just as the woman with the brush appeared before him.
"Artis," he said. "I'm Enki. Look at this," he presented her with the dove's lifeless body. "It had life, but now is nothing more than a husk. The real dove disappeared. I wonder where it went..."