So, in Senior Year, I took 6 AP classes (and one College Level class, (I was the only one to get an "A" in it out of my classmates) (so I had to take an early morning and an after school class also), in High School. My cousin and friends took IB classes. They were complaining about how hard their homework was, so I took a look at their homework.

I found out that IB and AP classes are pretty much exactly the same, except IB has more essays (Except English; the Senior English Lit/Lang teacher gave out more essays in her AP classes), and that their homework is really really easy. Or it could have just been IB was new, so the easy teachers taught it, while all the hardest teachers in the school taught AP.

Maybe it was just me.

When IB was first introduced at my school, I looked at the coursework, and the specific classes looked boring. Like, given the courses they require you to take, it moves you towards either being a scientist or a teacher. Forutnately, though, IB classes have less students than AP or Honors or regular classes (at least in my school), so they have more time with the teacher so it helps you learn more.

However, since I didn't want to be a teacher or a scientist (I'm working on both a Masters as a Mechanical Engineer, and getting a Doctorate in Medicine), I figured that IB classes weren't for me.


What's really weird is that it seems that whenever I talk to Recaiden, he gets offended somehow. I'm sorry.
Maybe I'm broken.


And, so, back to leather jackets; I wore it just barely, when my family went out on a hill and threw rotton Easter Eggs at each other. It was so fun.