ok, I made a few mistakes too, my bad.

  • What makes the manifest abilities dangerous is not just the +1, +2 weapon enhancement. It's the fact that it changes automatically to whatever deals the most damage. In my experience, what makes you powerful in DnD is versatility, not raw damage. and you've effectively created fighters that cannot be gimped. Same goes the L13 power, which effectively overcomes all DR 7 levels earlier than should be possible.
  • I stand correct on the CDG weapon ability (but you could be clearer). Still v.powerful.

I'd say you've given each class 6-8 very powerful abilities, many of which are the same across all 3. My advice is to tone this down to 3-4 abilities per class. Or merge the three classes into one, but with 3 different paths (should still not have as many of these high-end abilities). Beyond that, not sure how much more I can help, I really think you should go back to the drawing board a little, not a little tweak here or there.

Can anyone else critique (or critique my critique)?