
"Some of them are like him, too much so. Corwin, Eric, Caine. Some rebelled against him, like Benedict and Random. And some are actually nice, like Gerard. Like all families, Bell, some are good, some are bad."


"I wish you had had the chance, Drake," Flora says sadly. "I think grandchildren would have mellowed him, take out some of the iron. Let him smile. I'm not sure any of us ever lived up to his expectations."


"He vanished. Went off into shadow, never returning. Even his card went dead. That usually means someone's beyond contact. Beyond life," Gerard intones solemnly.


Dierdre laughs. "You think that now, Grettir, but wait until you meet them all. It's less a family than a pack of wolves, all trying to be the leader. Can't trust any of them, not even . . . ." She trails off for a moment, then finishes sadly. "Not any of them."


"That's the problem, Lore," Fiona says with a smile. "Father wasn't planning to die, or vanish. He didn't divide things. He left no clear heir. And that's why we're having a war. And why I needed some new weapons."


"I don't think he planned is that way, Soren, but it does show the need to think ahead. I think he finally pushed his luck, and something caught him. But yes, it is a sign of a bad king not to plan."