Played Team Vs with the team of ZMF people who usually steamroll GITP. (Marphy, Raptoraj, Dinner)

We got stomped the first round, but then managed to keep it even up until the third level when raptoraj had to go to bed so everyone left.


1. Have a smoker stand next to a charger spot, and then pull the survivor into position so that the charger can't miss

2. Speed is everything. I think their team took an average of like, 5 minutes to get through a map, while ours was more than four times that. Admittedly, their increased skill contributed to their ability to move quickly, but I can't help but feel that like, 90% of the time, survivors tend to move slower than necessary.

I think on the ideal team, the back two survivors are moving as fast as they can forward (and shooting zombies) and the front two survivors are working hard to shoot all the zombies and point out any helpful items, so that the team never has to stand still.