Listening patiently to her new friend's translation Svan nods, "Dicagli: Spiacente, non sono ancora buono viaggiato abbastanza per parlare di più… le linguette civilizzate, io non desidero discutere questo con un mezzo, voi purtroppo, dovrò richiamare le vostre preoccupazioni al mio shipmate qui," she indicates Gino, "Per ulteriori informazioni."
The man looks nervously from Svan, to Gino, to Don Juan. Before eventually relaying the message: "She says sorry fer not speakin' yer lingo, and that she doesn't want me hearin' yer private conversation, so she's palming you off to her mate."
Once the man's finished speaking, Svan buys the man a mug of ale and sends him on his way.

Tell him: Sorry, I'm not yet well travelled enough to speak more... civilised tongues, I do not wish to discuss this through a medium, you will unfortunately, have to address your concerns to my shipmate here, for further information