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    Orc in the Playground
    Earl of Purple's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    With folk in the North

    Default Re: Outside 15-Those who study the moon are optimists. They look at the bright side.

    Slave Market

    "Yes. We are here early, that is why nobody is around. Besides, we're currently outside the carnival, all the fun is inside, where we can't hear it. Could you all follow me, please?" Like with the 'tickets' back in GLoG, Natalie is using her mind control on the last sentance; the girls (and Tokala) should feel compelled to obey, in fact slightly more mind-control is being used now than to convince them that blank pieces of paper were carnival tickets.

    Natalie will (if the mind-control is successful) lead the girls to the admission booth, with Harry-the-adult behind so none run off. Once at the admission booth, Harry will talk to the gnome inside the booth as Natalie tries to lead the girls into the other shack, the windowless one with a chimney spouting smoke into the air (the one which in original post had the fire outside, but I retconned it inside).

    Inside the Bronze Pyramid

    "Technology that resembles magic? Yes, we do. Unfortunately for you, most technology appears magical to somebody that does not understand it. How advanced are we talking, here? And as to technology that does nothing, we have a lot of that, too. But it is strictly not for show until an Encyclopede understands what it does and how it works. After all, a gieger counter appears to do nothing in an area without any background radiation, and most technological devices fail to work completely when they are disconnected to a powersupply. Could you perhaps be more... Specific?" The routemaster continues down corridors and hallways, passing more of the same. Notable are a twelve-foot-tall humanoid skeleton with two heads, a black thing studded with gold spheres and three stalks at the front; the highest ending with an orb, one with a sucker and the third ending stalk composed of a hollow tube with a ridged outside, as well as a giant stone head.
    Last edited by Earl of Purple; 2010-06-16 at 05:04 PM.
    Terrowin Avatar by HappyTurtle. Much thanks!