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Thread: Fire Emblem - Seal of Fate II

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    Troll in the Playground
    Reverent-One's Avatar

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    Oct 2008

    Default Re: Fire Emblem - Seal of Fate II

    (Possible, maybe too risky plan:
    Aran finishes off the mage, assuming he hits and takes no additional damage, he ends turn on E8. While true, both wolves and the soldier can then reach him, they ALL have to use the exact same square to do so, which is obviously not possible, without Aran killing one of them in one hit with a return attack.
    Anslem moves up, out of ballista range and ready to help with whoever comes up to hit aran)

    In any case, Jalnir takes the vulerary from Nathaniel and uses it.
    Last edited by Reverent-One; 2010-06-25 at 08:46 PM.
    Thanks to Elrond for the Vash avatar.