Quote Originally Posted by Steilos View Post
[Gate to Ciudad Baja]

Apolinar takes up his position at the gate once more, wondering if he should send someone anyway. He'd certainly never grace such an occasion with HIS presence... And if that limp-wristed wimp Lalita tried again, or if he brought Edward, who was EVEN WORSE, Apolinar would have a lot to say, none of it good. Okay, so they were Sonido experts. That just made 'em good at running away. "What's the deal with this melee anyway...?" he mused aloud. He had more important things to do than that, surely?

Clearly determined to keep pestering the larger man, Lalita Tandon steps into view, smiling politely at the General. He has changed his usual attire to an outfit consisting of straight trousers and a multi-pocketed jacket, both made of white linen, reminescent of a modern soldier's uniform. He's also wearing a pair of immaculately polished black marching boots.

"Hello again, General Rodriguez, sir"
, Lalita chimes and brings his hand to a military salute. "I hope your words are a sign you are... reconsidering our offer."

"Master Edward was greatly saddened to hear about your decline", he lies. "He hoped so much he could trust a man like you to help a brother-in-arms. I'm sure he's considering sending someone... more to your tastes to plead for our cause. But that's not why I'm here."

"I'm here to challenge you. To defend my honor."