[Palacio Tercera]
Quote Originally Posted by Vael View Post
[Arcelia's Palace]

There is a quiet knock on the doorway to the room Talon is in, just to get her attention, and then an arrancar steps into the room and gives a respectful bow to the privaron. Presumably this is one of Arcelia's fraccion, though Talon won't recognize her. The fraccion has a build rather similar to Arcelia's, though she is shorter, and possesses black hair where Arcelia's is blond; Further, her clothing is predominately a light gray, with blue edging and a small choker that matches.

"Good evening."
She says in a soft, courteous voice.
"I hope you have found your accommodations to your liking?"

For the moment, she doesn't move from the doorway, apparently waiting for Talon's permission.
Talon raises an eyebrow. "...Yeah, yeah, it's fine." She waits, and watches for anything suspicious.