Quote Originally Posted by Steilos View Post
Apolinar's train of thought is stopped dead by Lalita's arrival. Faking astonishment, he takes a few steps back from the Fraccion. "It seems I was wrong about you, Tandon. You really are..."
A pause.

"THE WORST EXCUSE FOR A SOLDIER I HAVE EVER SEEN!" Apolinar glares with almost-physical levels of hostility straight into Lalita's eyes, and continues. "You are not fooling anyone with that getup. Or that salute. And what's this about Edward being a brother-in-arms? Do you even know him!? He wants to be a sister, for the love of..." Stopping for a few moments, the privaron finally realises what Lalita just said. "Wait.. did you just challenge me, to defend your... heh... Honour? Seriously? heh heh... You're a comedian, I'll give you that..."

Apolinar breaks into particularly unpleasant laughter for a bit before stopping himself. "Alright, I'll consider this challenge of yours, as laughable the notion of you possessing honour is."

"Yes, my sense of humour is one of the reasons my Master tolerates me"
, Lalita says cheerfully, completely without irony. "What comes to my honor... you said I know no discipline. I think you are wrong. I'm so sure of it, infact, that I'm willing to put my own well-being at risk to prove that to you."

"I might no longer belong to a dedicated military like yours, good General, but I am a skilled warrior. I've honed my speed and reflexes strenuously to become as fleet of foot as my good lord Segunda. Surely, you can't say achieving such grace is possible without considerable self-discipline."

"My challenge is, then, a race, by foot, from this place to any locale of your choosing. If I lose, I will admit I'm an inferior being, and submit to your service for as long as you deem fit, so you can teach me what true discipline is. If, for some unfathomable reason, I win, you will take back your words... and help my master by participating in the Gran Melee."