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Thread: [WFRP] The Hour After Midnight

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Hour After Midnight

    Illiiya Jaelrae

    Voices... distant, murmuring voices. She swore she heard them now. She couldn't understand a thing they were saying, but they sounded mocking. Shadows flitted at the edges of her vision, and she shut her eyes tightly.. struggling to block it out.

    It won't stop, you know. Never. Not until you remember.

    No! I don't want to remember! It hurts!

    Illiiya put her hands to her head, clutching her ears in a desperate attempt to block it out.

    I am tired of waiting. You cannot keep me locked away forever!

    But I don't want to go back!

    Then you'll suffer. Every day. Every night. Until you give me what I want!

    ShutupshutupshutupshutupShut up!

    Her sudden yell rung out through the alley, as she seemed to curl up on herself for a moment. Then, things sunk back into focus, and she looked about at Pieter and Ithelus, red in the face.

    Oh... I... I, um... I-I'm... She muttered, tears in her eyes as she broke down, Something's wrong with me. I... I can't think... things keep... coming and going. Ith... I... I don't know who I am! I keep... hearing things... and seeing things... and they look so real! But... but...

    She fell onto Ithelus, sobbing and clinging to his shirt.
    Last edited by BloodyAngel; 2010-06-27 at 08:14 PM.
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