Quote Originally Posted by Mark Hall View Post
Grand History of the Realms.

Again, your ignorance... the souls of gnomes are gemstones. Svirfneblin are diamonds. Rock gnomes are sapphires. Forest gnomes are emeralds.

There were no good kobolds; all thirsted for gnomish souls.

Kobolds perhaps CAN, but name a group that DOES.

Once kobolds stop stealing souls, eating babies, and worshiping gods of evil, even the gnomes whom they have so wronged will welcome them. But kobolds will not, because they are steeped in evil.
Wow... I'm not sure if you're trolling, or if you had a very bad experience with Tucker's Kobolds once.

In any case, there are Kobolds who worship Good and Neutral Gods. The DM In Question just needs to point them out.