"Suddenly, the PC is running around with four different NPCs, all under his control."

What - like 1st ed?

"Just for the record, is everyone in agreement that Run is probably the worse of the Feats, nigh unto useless"

Martial weapon proficiency is pretty dire if you are insane enough to buy it as a feat. You get proficiency with ONE weapon FFS! This has to be the worst feat there is, in my book.

The '+2 to 2 skills' feats are festering toe-cheese. I've never seen anyone take one of these feats, except as a pre-req.
Skill focus at +3 on one skill isn't fantastic either, to say the least.

Expensive metamagics are very costly 'as is', and many aren't worth it unless you have blag that makes them more viable.

Endurance is pretty bad. Allowing you to sleep in armour (an ability replicated by a magic item worth about 1000gp, as I recall) is the best thing about it.

The feats allowing a daily use of a few cantrips are flavourful...but bad.

No mention yet for Mobility. A truly dire feat. Sure... you could waltz though a threatened area at +4AC... or just tumble.

Combat casting is pretty bad as written. Even Skill Focus: Concentration is a better bet.

All of the item creation feats are just a way for you to make everyone else better at the cost of your own XP and time. No thanks.

I kinda view the Knowledge devotion as a bit too good. It eclipses the vast majority of feats published, which is kind of a shame.

Someone already mentioned close quarter combat. A lovely feat that's in no way broken.