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Thread: "Perfect" Feats

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    Optimystik's Avatar

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    Default Re: "Perfect" Feats

    Once again, it falls to me to bring Psionics into the discussion.

    The XPH gave us plenty of great feats (including non-psionic ones) that I think could fit the criteria given in the OP.

    Part of what makes psionic feats (including metapsionics) more balanced is changing their resource. Instead of beinig powered by uses/day, they are effectively powered by move actions, resulting in a much more tactical at-will system.

    So, to expand the list of "balanced feats":

    - Metapsionics: far, far better balanced than metamagic. DragoonWraith's assessment of metamagic was absolutely right - As-is, the mechanic is either too expensive to be useful, or too cheap to be balanced; there is very little middle ground. However, I think I can write enough on the subject of why metapsionics are more balanced than metamagic to take up its own thread, so I will leave it at that for now.
    - Body Fuel: an excellent example of a balanced feat. Gives a great benefit [PP] in exchange for a cost that actually matters (physical ability scores); then it makes sure that it plugs the loopholes by which cheese may enter. (You must be alive, you cannot prevent or prematurely heal ability burn, and you can't even use it while in someone else's body. Yes, they even thought of that!) Simple, elegant, effective.
    - Deadly Precision: Draz has shown me the error of my ways on this one. I probably should have compared it to Craven.
    - Expanded Knowledge: At first, this one looks weak. A whole feat for one power? No thanks. Oh, it can grab them off anyone's list? Now we're talking. Why yes, I'll have Astral Construct and a side of Schism, thanks.
    - Hidden Talent: as above, you learn a power from anyone's list; except it has to be first level. But the advantages are that it's not subject to the "highest level -1" rule (so you can use this to learn Astral Construct, Synesthete, Compression, Expansion etc. at first level no matter what your class is); you get 2 free PP to manifest the power with, which get added to your pool; and you become psionic if you weren't before. This lets you grab psionic goodies (like feats and certain PrCs) without actually having levels in a psionic class, or being a psionic race. (Note: use this and NOT Wild Talent.)
    - Overchannel: Take untyped damage, boost your ML. Versatile, straightforward and again, gets better as you level (more HP).
    - Practiced Caster/Manifester: This is well worth a feat, and every caster should have had the choice of a similar ability. (Practiced Invoker, Practiced Initiator, Practiced Meldshaper etc.)
    - Psionic Mastery - Take 10 on ML checks. This is solid gold, and well worth spending a feat to get.
    - Stand Still: Trade an AoO of damage to keep opponent's still. Again, balanced cost/benefit.

    Psionic feats I don't think are balanced: (These are feats that are actually good or have potential, but didn't need to be feats.)
    Psionic Meditation - this is a feat tax. There was no reason for becoming focused to be a full-round action by default. Anytime you have a feat that members of a class feel like they have to take, that's an indicator that the feat itself should have been baseline.
    Psicrystal Containment - Another feat tax. If you ever get a psicrystal you're getting this, so why not let Psicrystals hold a focus for you as a base ability?
    Open Mind - I'd say a feat is worth more than 5 skill points, but that's just me.
    Psionic Body - if this works with Metapsionic feats then I'll be a lot more on board. But it doesn't seem to.
    Don Mantle/Tap Mantle: They should really have reversed the order of these, or better yet combined them. My Psywar would much rather have the granted ability of most mantles than the powers in them, especially since only Ardents can switch out the powers by RAW.
    Ectopic Form: Just, no. A nerf that was not needed.
    Mind Cleave: Feat tax for soulknives, as if they needed one. This one gives them back their full-attack.
    Last edited by Optimystik; 2010-07-02 at 11:45 AM.