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Thread: LGBTitp - Part Seven

  1. - Top - End - #444
    Colossus in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Dinosaur Museum aw yisss.

    Default Re: LGBTitp - Part Seven

    Oh yes? And what is gravity? Explain the origin of the universe and quantum mechanics, please? But if you must insist, replace "science" with "biology and up".

    Some more stuff:
    Homosexuality and biology.
    Is Homosexuality Biologically Influenced?
    A "natural history" of homosexuality.
    "Female homosexuality appears to be familial"
    Gay alleles make nicer men.
    A book about evolution and homosexuality.
    Family members of gay people have more kids or something.

    <3 Google Scholar. So much.

    edit: That first lot of papers I found in a hurry. Guess I should look into them properly first. These ones look better, I think.
    Last edited by Serpentine; 2010-07-04 at 05:05 AM.