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Thread: Lords of Creation - What Shall Be (IC)

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Draken's Avatar

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    May 2007
    The Southern Wildlands

    Default Re: Lords of Creation - What Shall Be (IC)

    In the time following the creation of the sun ring, Ichmod had returned to his domain of Inovation. That was because he had had an inspiration, and now he toiled at his grand design.

    It took a sections of Inovation that dwarfed even the vast halls he used to build the Focusing Iris, but this was integrated into that space, and not simply built within it. It was not part of inovation either, but existed within and apart of it, having its own link to the furnace of the molten depths of the plane.

    It was a vast room and a vast array of wire and tubes, and pannels and devices whose purpose only the artifice god could unhearth, because arcane gave way to mundane at a whim, divine and mortal began were one suddenly stopped, and the magical connected to the technological in ways that often should not work, with many a device serving no purpose but to power something that did nothing of any relevance.

    All of this behind walls of iron and adamantine and crystal, with a vast gulf within itself, and sealed shut of the rest of plane by a vast hatch that opened into a room that did dwarf it in turn, like an open space within the absolute enclosure of Inovation, with walls and ceiling so distant they did fade into the horizon.

    To complete his work, Ichmod made a tangle of long wires, and he encased them in an iron skeleton, which he encased in a segmented iron frame, which he topped with half of a hollow orb, within which he embedded the largest sapphire ever mined and cut, and within the sapphire he infused the energy of divinity, in a manner such that it spred through the entirety of the device, at which point the stalk contracted, setting the gem in the center of the hatch, like an eye in the middle of many titanic, flat iron teeth.

    And with that, Ichmod walked over to the door, and stared into the eye, which blinked, and at that, Ichmod gave his command. "Make!"

    A hum echoed through the titanic room, like a dynamo. Energy flashed through its frame, like a lightning coil. Arms within the unseen gulf took materials they were provided and began to assemble. Tubes pulled the worldblood from the depths to heat itself. Vents took the cold moisture from the unreachable beyond to cool itself.

    In the end, the hatch opened, and to Ichmod walked beings of metal with many blades and powerful fists, and with devices with unknown purposes. But towards him also rolled off vast amounts of the magma, seething with fury, and to him howled mighty winds, from veritable glaciers that formed at the edges of the device. And the metal beings and the magma and the glaciers flared to life with power that almost reached that of the gods.

    "Hohohoho. I think we might need to make a few adjustments."

    The great thing's 'eye' blinked and nodded, before starting to examine what it had made. It looked at one of the metal beings, and it turned to it, and Ichmod looked to another, and it walked to him and looked at the creator with its gray eyes, speaking with a metallic voice.

    "Maxinus I, online, Ironmaster Ichmod."

    Then the one that turned to the device too, turned to Ichmod, looking at him with blue eyes.

    "The first task has been concluded, Ironmaster Ichmod. The Creator Engine must waits new instructions."

    Meanwhile, the magma and the glaciers took off to walk the iron world.


    AP gained: 4
    AP spent: 3 - Beget Frikkin' Build Demigod: Creator Engine.
    0 AP: Create Herald: Maxinus I. Anaxim.

    1 AP left.

    Creator Engine:
    AP gained: 2.
    2 AP spent: Create Populace: Anaxim, Phaeton, Xixecal.
    0 AP: Create Herald. Voice of the Engine.

    0 AP left.
    Last edited by Draken; 2010-07-04 at 09:58 PM.

