Quote Originally Posted by tgva8889 View Post
As for Central 5...honestly, that's what they're there for, at least in my opinion. We need Central 5 for the purposes of moderating the game. If anyone thinks they can't do that, then they should probably not be a member of Central 5.

Also, I suppose Draken should be included as he's basically in charge of Hueco Mundo.
Main reasons I don't think it'd work would be PM bloat and time - if people start dedicatedly checking powers through us, there's a distinct risk of messages not reaching intended recipients fast enough, if at all. 100 message total is not much. After watching how slow our communication is, I'm not convinced people should dedicatedly run powers through us. Chances are, people will not be recieving a consensus of all five (or six) anyway.

Because of this, I don't think it's reasonable to demand Central 5s (or 6s, if Draken's included) opinion as a group, or making such a hard rule. If someone sends me a powerset, I'll be happy to provide advice, but I'm not keen on corresponding with 6 people to settle such matters.

We were chosen mainly to moderate Seireitei, to make sure Captains and their players are doing their job - likewise, Draken watches over the looser Las Noches. Is it really appropriate to involve us if a Quincy develops a trick shot, or someone of Enclave comes up with a new glyph?

Also, doing this puts more power to our hands, possibly more than Zarah intended in his original proposal. Are you sure you want to give us that? In the end, I believe any six people can provide enough reasonable adive to tell whether a powerset needs to be run through public OOC or not.