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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Re: [OSRIC (AD&D)] T1-4 The Temple Of Elemental Evil IC


    Aldan whispers: Easy enough to test. Though I know the poison is in use, I recognise the smells, I don't know what on. These animals aren't poisoned, just starved and mistreated.

    Aldan walks back inside, and up to one of the Traders, and asks:

    Hi, we're new in town, and having a look at what supplies we can pick up here. We just had a look at the animals, and we're a little unsure on how happy they are...the horses look a little tired, and the dogs a little too wild. We're none that competent with animals though, so I was just checking that they're all happy and healthy before we look at buying anything.

    Oh, and my apologies for the rudeness, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Aldan. How's business treating you?
    Last edited by term1nally s1ck; 2010-07-07 at 12:54 PM.