Arcelia's Palace

"Awww, ya don't think of me as 'n intruder, do ya Arcelia-chan? Aft-ter that 'onderful minute we spent up in my tower or...well we nevuh talked that much before dat, huh?" comes the little quip, almost thoughtful even as she feels the other arrancar tensing up from her impromptu bite.

If anything she lets Arcelia lean up against her smaller body, supporting the other's weight as the hand over Arcelia's heart presses down with a slight pressure.

"Suspicious Arcelia? How come? Ya are allowed ta have yer little playthins' but Ah'm not? Tsk, ya don't look good green." the Primera taunts softly, "Ahh, but 'e is. Ya'll see 'im soon enough, eh? Either he's timid as a bunny or 'e's a better liar den you..."