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    Dwarf in the Playground
    RufusCorvus's Avatar

    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: [OSRIC (AD&D)] T1-4 The Temple Of Elemental Evil IC

    TS OOC
    Sorry about that. I must've overlooked it. But Lord Vampyre's right, too--it fits characterization. Ox does have a 6 WIS after all.

    At the Stables
    "I'll trust your judgment, Aldan," Ox says. "The scheming in this town is making my head swim. I thought willingness to slay these bandits would be enough to gain the trust of the townsfolk. It seems I've misjudged them. Whatever plan of action you and Elsindril decide upon is fine with me. Though, truth be told, I'm starting to itch for blood."
    Last edited by RufusCorvus; 2010-07-07 at 04:57 PM.