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Thread: LGBTitp - Part Seven

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTitp - Part Seven

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrian View Post
    Sure it is. The current, widely accepted definition isn't yours. By using another definition - by your own description cherry picked from a certain time period, neither ancient nor modern but somewhere in between - you are merely confusing any discussion you try to use your particular "protest" terminology in.
    Except I'm not cherry picking, I'm not the only person preferring this particular definition, and there are good reasons to use the more narrow definition. Admittedly most of those who agree with my definition are in academia rather than the general public, particularly fields like philosophy of science and epistemology. Here is a popular article attacking the use of the word "science" in reference to a particular social science, psychology. It is a good read.

    Edit: Wikipedia claims something different, that the term social science is from the time when science simply meant knowledge and that most social scientists admit it isn't science by definition. Make of that what you will, there doesn't appear to be any sources.
    Last edited by Drolyt; 2010-07-07 at 11:22 PM.