I find the notion that playing D&D in a certain way is "wrong" and your method is better because it's for "real men" offensive.

Anyway, you know what? Conan is low level. So what? If you think he's awesome, that's fine. You can be a dull as 15th level character, or an awesome fourth level character. Trying to change the d20 system when A: other systems and B: E6 work to limit the power to where melee is viable is a lot of work for no real benefit, and from the rules listed so far, all you've done is screwed basic melee classes even more because they don't have gear but full casters still exist.

As a side note, the wording you've got for the gestalt is... odd. You say that fighters and such can only gestalt with other mundane classes, but also that semi-magical and martial adepts can only gestalt with... mundane classes. So if you're a warblade, gestalting with fighter is fine, but since you are a fighter, you aren't supposed to gestalt with warblade.